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Quality of Life (Status)

Indigenous People of Canada and the United States live in the worst, substandard conditions than those outside of reservation life. Homelessness is considered a subject of no public interest and therefore, very little information about the homeless American Indians is available. But it is estimated that there are “90,000 homeless or under housed Indian families” in the United States, especially in the reservations where the shortage and decay of houses is a challenge. Old shacks and sheds laced with mold have a lack of electricity, safe drinking, running or warm water and, in more than 50% of all cases, public sewer are in need for repair, are common housing conditions. On top of that, 40% of Native Americans in the United States and 45% of First Nations and Inuits in Canada who live on reservations are in substandard housing. One-third of homes are overcrowded with three generations living under the same roof, and more than 84 percent don’t have indoor plumbing. There are approximately 1,183 registered Indigenous tribes and communities in both countries.

Housing Conditions And Needs

1 Feather estimated by research, the approximately the number of houses needed to be replaced and constructed. In Canada on reservations, housing needed for families are estimated at 240,000 . On reservation communities in the United States, combined with the shortage and replacement, there is a need of 478,800 homes for Native Americans.

Water Issues Beyond Reality

In this modern day of rolling into 2019 Indigenous communities are suffering with the lack of safe drinking water. Canadian reservations have been on extended peroid of drinking water advisories, not for months, but for years; not one reservation but multiple reservations. Does anyone outside of the reservations care? 1 Feather cares!

Education Is An Assest For Everyone

Discrimination, suicside, missing children and passive oppression has been the operation in residential schools for Indigenous children since the schools existence.

Abuse and Addiction

For most Indigenous people, life does not come easy. Many women are sexually abuse and many men are addicted to alcohol. Drug addication is getting worst for men and women and seems to not end.