© All Rights Reserved by 1 Feather, LLC


1 Feather has a large objective for this project. Timing for the beginning will depend when the funding becomes available. This is a Non-Profit operation and will take considerable amount of time to acquire the funding necessary for this scale of operation. 1 Feather is an NGO and a full complete business plan, with all the construction costs broken down in a spreadsheet, has been completed. It took several months to complete and encompasses all the objectives stipulated on this website for all the First Nations, Inuits, Metis and Native American Indigenous communities and tribal redevolopment. The complete business plan and construction costs have been submitted to a funding source for review. 1 Feather is hoping that in late 2020, we may get the first allotment of funding. There are no gaurantees but it is hopeful that we may get our funds. This is NOT in any way, shape or form a government program. There is no government body involved with our funding source or operation. When any changes in our status comes about, it will be posted in the NEWS section. Thank you! NEWS UPDATE JANUARY 2025 We have been informed that our funds will be sent to our attorney’s trust account in the next few weeks. Once there, 1 Feather will setup the necessary documentation for this operation. When setup, we shall first approach tribal members to deal with those who have lost their homes during the 2023 wildfires. This has been long awaited and now so close to start moving ahead in preparations. NEWS UPDATE NOVEMEBER 2024 Yes, it has been over 4 years since we have an update for funding to help with housing for indigenous communities. We have been give a timeline to receive funding to start our humanitarian project. At the latest, we should receive funds by the second week in December 2024. Our first objective will be those people whom have been displaced and lost their home during the 2023 wild fire season. We will reach out to those specific communities council members for recommemdations and planning. We are hopeful to begin immediately as soon as funds are received. NEWS UPDATE APRIL 2020 We have been informed that there is a strong probability that funding could be secured within the next six months. 1 Feather is being told to be on stand-by as it could happen anytime now. Our business plan and 10-years budget have been submitted 3 years ago in preparation for this hugh project. 1 Feather will keep you updated.