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NOTE:  All Cheif Council Members will be addressed and requested approval for all designs               and developments in every community in Canada and United States. No funds will      be taken from any members in any community.  This is a humanitarian project and     peoples of the Nations will be hired and paid to work.                   Drinking Water & Sanitary System  As stated before, both the drinking water and sanitary conditions are appalling for the  indigenous nations. United States and Canada are strong industrial countries yet,  their  governments do very little to improve the quality of life for those living on reservations.  80%  of the drinking water in the First Nation’s community is contaminated and unsafe to drink.  Just the improvement of drinking water will help reduce the diseases and sicknesses within  the communities.  An affiliate, Black Mountain Engineering, LLC (BME), has engineered and copyrighted a  “Wastewater Remediation Technology Design Flow Pattern” certified with the United States  Library of Congress (No. TXu 2-082-313).  Within the copyright design flow pattern is a patented  technology called, Electro Coagulation. This energy efficient vital green technology is an  advanced system that can process and convert a wide range of contaminated fluids at high  volumes to an inert state. No chemicals are used during the process, other than to adjust  the pH level; only electricity is used.                   The Electro Coagulation (EC) systems can remediate many types of contaminated  wastewater. Most types of metals, radio isotopes, organics and all pathogens passing through  the EC will become inert. The electricity passing through the water changes the molecular  structure of the contaminant into a non-hazardous state – becomes inert, click here to see the  list of contaminants including pathogens. The inert contaminant then is magnetized and  coagulates together separating from the water. This includes any emulsified contaminants.   Then the inert coagulant is run through a filter press to be  removed before using the water.                    For this project, there is a new “Filter Press” nano-cloth technology that has reduced the  micron size down from a minimum of 1 to 0.25.  This is very close to micron sizes in a  reverse osmosis. This will give a high capture rate allowing a greater throughput up to 90 to  95%. It is better than using a reverse osmosis alone. Therein, using a porcelain membrane  filter in the reverse osmosis with capture any smaller amounts of TDS and will last longer.   This will save a lot of costs in changing the fabric membrane filters in the reverse osmosis.  Siemens have designed a longer lasting porcelain filter that is more resistant to particles,  which will be used. 	 The operating energy use of the Electro Coagulation is very efficient.  Though some tribal  communities will have its own electricity provided by generators, the following is an example  of how efficient the EC operations. The average electrical rate of cost is based on 1,000 gallon  throughput of the EC unit. Over all, based on $0.05 Kilowatt per hour of use, the average cost  to operate and maintain any one size of EC unit is $0.34 per 1,000 gallon ( per 3,785 Liters)  processed or $0.00034 per gallon (per 3.785 Liters).                      Each EC unit has a chamber of either steel or aluminum plates inside where the wastewater  passes through and between. As the wastewater passes between al the plates, the electrical current  conducts a charge between the plates that affects the contaminant’s molecular structure. It turns the contaminants into an inert, non-hazardous coagulant state, and can be buried without harm to  the eco-system.  For more information, see BME’s website.  Two separate structures will have to be constructed to facilitate the drinking water supply and  the sanitary wastewater operation. A typical plant setup, see below, will have the technology  to purify drinking water.  Along with these two facilities, the new water and sewer  infrastructure will connect to these facilities in every tribe and community.  With the new  homes built, they will be tied into the service lines for running water and sanitary disposal. If  a gas line is within reach of the communities, then that infrastructure line will also be connect  to the houses.                         Electricity (Fuel-less Generator)  In many communities through USA and Canada is the lack of sufficient electricity. In many  of the remote communities in northern Canada, generators are the only available option for  electricity and have been in use for many years.  Those generators are wearing out and should  be replaced.  These old generators pollute and cost a lot of money for diesel fuel as well as to maintain.  A new fuel-less generator technology is available and only requires maintenance  one a year and takes 15 minutes to change lubrication oil in a gear box. See brochure.  An affiliate through BME have engineered a new fuel-less power generation station that can  provide 60 kW 24 hours a day and is 100% Green Power.  The unit does not need any type of  fuel and one unit can provide electricity to a complete subdivision.                                            For the schools and recreational facilities, a generator be supplied for each building. The  main community generator can have a seperate generator but, depending on the size of each community, one centeral hub or building can house several units to provide clean electricity to the entire community. It can simply tie into the existing grid and remove any old diesel generators.